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Binhame es una base bibliográfica que busca fortalecer el proceso de organización del material bibliográfico y documental existente en la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Como parte de la misión y visión la Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA) se pretende ofrecer un recurso para investigadores, académicos, estudiantes y público en general. Es de uso público y gratuito y los usuarios/autores son invitados a alimentar este material, correspondiendo con los derechos de autor.

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Viendo 81-90 de 137 resultados.
Título del material: People, Plants, & Justice: The politics of Nature Conservation (Inglés) (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Zerner, Charles (Editor)
Resumen: In an era of market triumphalism, this book probes the social and environmental consequences of market-linked nature conservation schemes. Rather than supporting a new anti-market orthodoxy, Charles Zerner and colleagues assert that there is no universal entity, "the market." Analysis and remedies must be based on broader considerations of history, culture, and geography in order to establish meaningful and lasting changes in policy and practice. Original case studies from Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the South Pacific focus on topics as diverse as ecotourism, bioprospecting, oil extraction, cyanide fishing, timber extraction, and property rights. The cases position concerns about biodiversity conservation and resource management within social justice and legal perspectives, providing new insights for students, scholars, policy professionals and donor/foundations engaged in international conservation and social justice.

Consultas: 573 Descargas: 0

Título del material: The Social Life Of Trees: Anthropological perspectives on tree symbolism (inglés) (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Rival, Laura
Resumen: The passionate response of the British public to the Newbury Bypass is a revealing measure of how strongly people feel about trees and the environment. Similarly, in the United States, the giant sequoia of California is an enduring national symbol that inspires intense feelings. As rainforests are sacrificed to the interests of multi-national corporations and traditional ways of life disappear, the status of forests, the cultural significance of trees, and the impact of conservation policies are subjects that have inspired intense engagement. Why do people feel so strongly about trees? With this explosion of interest in environmental issues, a serious study of what trees mean to people has long been overdue. This interdisciplinary book responds to this need by providing the first cross-cultural analysis of tree symbolism. Drawing on rich case studies, contributors explore the processes through which trees are used as metaphors of identity and continuity. Political struggles over forest resources feature prominently, and the perceptions of trees in various cultures provide telling insights into the ways in which human societies conceptualize nature. As well as being a major contribution to the field of symbolic anthropology, this comprehensive study will be essential reading for students in a wide range of courses and for anyone with a keen interest in the politics of ecology, the occult and neo-paganism, and the history and sociology of environmentalism in its widest sense.

Consultas: 593 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Los Pobladores de la Selva: Historia de la colonización del noroccidente de la Amazonía colombiana (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Castillo Ordoñez, Elsy Y. % Ramirez, Roberto % Quintero Cardona, Hernan % Sierra Bonilla, Fanny ,%
Resumen: Los trabajos que integran esta obra corresponden a la investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto historia de la colonización en el noroccidente de la Amazonia Colombiana, el cual fue adelantando por la UNIVERSIDAD DE LA AMAZONIA, en convenio con el Instituto Colombiano de cultura y el Plan Nacional de Rehabilitación.

Consultas: 648 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Agricultural Ecology (Inglés) (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Tivy, Joy
Resumen: "Agricultural Ecology" analyses the nature of the relationships between crops, livestock and the bio-physical environment, and the extent to wich man has managed and modified the products and environment to suit his own particular needs.

Consultas: 509 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Cazadores De Cabezas Del Amazonas (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Up de Graff, F.W.
Resumen: La decisión de re-editar hoy Cazadores de cabezas del amazonas puede causar extrañeza a más de un lector especializado en antropología del "conjunto jívaro" y viajeros amazónicos. En efecto, la fama del autor como la credibilidad de los datos ofrecidos en su obra no gozan de una atención exagerada ni de tanto prestigio entre quienes han reflexionado sobre los pueblos y circunstancias omitidas o mencionadas del espacio geográfico en cuestión y del segmento temporal, casi exactamente hace un siglo. Sin embargo, ha inspirado más de un trabajo etnográfico divulgativo sobre los "jívaros reductores de cabeza" contribuyendo a la conformación de una de las categorías de identificación étnica más persistentes. Asimismo, ni los "Jívaros", ni menos aún sus costumbres guerreras constituyen los únicos temas por los que vale la pena recordar a Up de Graff. Una lectura reposada nos obliga a recuperar otros aspectos que tienen que ver con el contexto histórico y social andino del Ecuador de entonces y de la Amazonía desde el Napo al Marañon, sin dejar de lado, tampoco, nada despreciables observaciones en el campo etnográfico como la agricultura aguaruna, la construcción de la cerbatana, la hilandería, la caza y la elaboración del curare. El lector podrá también obtener ideas no menos interesantes sobre la real situación de poblaciones como Iquitos, Macas, Barranca y Borja, estas últimas asoladas por los Aguarunas y Huambisas como respuesta al inusitado flujo de visitantes en el Marañon en busca de oro y Jebe.

Consultas: 625 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Tageiri Taromenani: Guerreros de la selva (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Nenquimo, Ima Fabián
Resumen: “Soy solamente un wao que ama a su pueblo y sufre como muchos otros al ver lo que sucede. He querido siempre ayudar a conservar la naturaleza indomable en un territorio de inmensas riquezas naturales donde el jaguar, el águila, el espíritu de mis antepasados viven en algún lugar de la selva respetando musgos, orquídeas y bromelias. Donde la boa y la anaconda pasan suavemente a nuestro lado: Donde cada familia tenía un espacio definido para poder cazar, pescar y recolectar sus alimentos. Soy wao y les hablo desde el Yasuní, que es la tierra nuestra y de todos”.

Consultas: 551 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Nature is Culture: Indigenous knowledge and socio-cultural aspects of trees and forests in non-European cultures (Inglés) (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Seeland, Klaus (Editor)
Resumen: The starting message of of this book is that the so-called virgin forests of the world owe much to their symbiotic relationship with the indigenous peoples who live in and and on the margins of the forests. Human activities have for millennia 'managed' (consciously or unconsciously) the world's forests, resulting in a greatly enhanced biodiversity. The contributors to the book come from many different scientific disciplines, and national and cultural backgrounds. Examples of forests are taken from Asia, Africa and South America, thus reflecting the global nature of the phenomenon.

Consultas: 551 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Head Hunters Of The Amazon: My Adventures in the Jungle, 1894-1901 (Inglés) (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Up de Graff, Fritz
Resumen: Headhunters of the Amazon (1921) which tells an extraordinary story that simply would not get published today even if any contemporary explorer or adventurer had the opportunity or the cojones to do what Up De Graaf and his companions did so blithely a century ago. However, this is not just a schoolboy tale of derring-do, but contains much fascinating socio-cultural information about the eponymous head-hunters of the title and some fascinating cryptozoological snippets. Could there indeed be a hitherto undiscovered species of giant stork luring in the Amazon jungle? Could it be the same as a prehistoric creature whose remains have been discovered in the same area? And could sightings of such a rara avis explain modern day accounts of pterosaurs reported across central and South America with monotonous regularity? This book sets out the stall for CFZ Classics. It is lavishly illustrated, not only with the original pictures from the original volume but with contemporary engravings and photographs which - we feel - do much to enhance the zeitgeist of the book and the reading experience. Here we would like to thank the massively talented Gareth Shaw who worked so hard on the cover illustration, and who - like us - is a devotee of a style of art, which like so many of the explorers whose thrilling exploits its illustrated, doesn't seem to be around in the rarefied and ever so slightly decadent days. And there's more. One of the most important aspects of this entire project is that, because all the books which are being produced by CFZ Classics are out of copyright and in the public domain, the author royalties from it will be paid to the person who did all the work preparing this new edition. This provides a unique, and we hope entertaining, way for impecunious cryptozoological researchers around the world to fund their activities.

Consultas: 599 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Advances in Historical Ecology (Inglés) (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Balée, William (Editor)
Resumen: Ecology is an attempt to understand the reciprocal relationship between living and nonliving elements of the earth. For years, however, the discipline either neglected the human element entirely or presumed its effect on natural ecosystems to be invariably negative. Among social scientists, notably in geography and anthropology, efforts to address this human-environment interaction have been criticized as deterministic and mechanistic. Bridging the divide between social and natural sciences, the contributors to this book use a more holistic perspective to explore the relationships between humans and their environment. Exploring short- and long-term local and global change, eighteen specialists in anthropology, geography, history, ethnobiology, and related disciplines present new perspectives on historical ecology. A broad theoretical background on the material factors central to the field is presented, such as anthropogenic fire, soils, and pathogens. A series of regional applications of this knowledge base investigates landscape transformations over time in South America, the Mississippi Delta, the Great Basin, Thailand, and India. The contributors focus on traditional societies where lands are most at risk from the incursions of complex, state-level societies. This book lays the groundwork for a more meaningful understanding of humankind's interaction with its biosphere. Scholars and environmental policymakers alike will appreciate this new critical vocabulary for grasping biocultural phenomena.

Consultas: 555 Descargas: 0

Título del material: Perspectivas Antropológicas sobre la Amazonia Contemporánea (Ver)
Categoría: Libro
Autor: Chaves, Margarita % Del Cairo, Carlos (Comp.)
Resumen: Identificados por su formación antropológica y su interés por la Amazonia, los autores que participan en esta compilación proceden, sin embargo, de las más diversas nacionalidades, generaciones y trayectorias profesionales, las misma que dan lugar a la consolidación de un material profuso, variado, accesible y estimulante sobre la contemporaneidad de las sociedades amazónicas.

Consultas: 526 Descargas: 0