Datos informativos del material: " Puyo Runa: Imagery and Power in Modern Amazonia (Inglés)"

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Título del materialPuyo Runa: Imagery and Power in Modern Amazonia (Inglés)
Autor(es)Whitten Jr., Norman E. % Scott Whitten, Dorothea
Año de publicacion del material2008
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Información Adicional

Páginas de Referencia304 p., il
Lugar de publicacionUnited States of America
Editorial o InstitucionUniversity of Illinois Press
Biblioteca y referencia.LI 000027 (Disponible)
Enlace/s (link) de contenido adicional
ResumenThe Andean nation of Ecuador derives mcuh of its revenue from petroleum that is extracted from its vast Upper Amazonian rain forest, wich is home to ten indigenous nationalities. Norman E. Whitten Jr. and Dorothea Scott Whitten have lived among and studied one such people, the Canelos Quichua, for nearly forty yars. In "Puyo Runa", they present a trenchant ethnography of history, ecology, imagery, and cosmology to focus on shamans, ceramic artists, myth, ritual, and political engagements. Canelos Quichua are active participants in national politics, including large-scale movements for social justice for Andean and Amazonian people. "Puyo Runa" offers readers exceptional insight into this cultural world, revealing its intricacies and embedded humanisms.
Tablas de contenido o secciones
Palabras clavePuyo, Quichua, Runa, Amazoninan, Canelos, Ingles
Biblioteca y referencia.LI 000027 (Disponible)
Subido porFerran Cabrero